SSE Riga

The SSE Riga Centre for Media Studies strives to strengthen cross-border investigative journalism and sustainable media businesses through training programmes, networking and support. The centre has organised hundreds of training programmes and has become a meeting point for journalists and media managers from the Baltics, Eastern partnership countries, Russia and Scandinavia.

SSE Riga will organise a mini-MBA programme for twenty motivated media managers from all over Europe. The participants will be working on their media development plans and utilise the knowledge they acquired through lectures and discussions based on real case-study. At the end of the programme the participants will have the opportunity to pitch their development ideas in front of an investor panel. The centre will recruit the participants via its own network as well as the networks of partner organisations.

The four-week mini-MBA programme for local news media managers will include intensive training in business strategy, finance, leadership and marketing for local independent media. The programme has been specifically developed and licensed in Latvia, based on years of Stockholm School of Economics experience in training business leaders globally. Adjusting the focus to media managers made it even more interactive and practical.

The impact from the mini-MBA alumni shows that media outlets can become stronger, more effective, reach wider audiences, and become financially sustainable if they have access to the cross-border support network of other media managers and knowledge. Having better equipped and more competent managers makes organisations resilient and produce a more impactful work from journalists.

For more information, click here.

